
Covid 19

Covid 19 Pada era kali ini, tahun 2020 seluruh dunia mengalami pandemi. Pandemi yang terjadi ialah virus covid 19 yang biasa disebut dengan virus corona. Virus Corona terjadi berawal di Wuhan, China. Data statistik menunjukkan di China mengalami kematian lebih dari 1000 jiwa yang tidak dapat tertolong. Pandemi ini terjadi dalam kurun waktu 3 bulan di China. Pemerintah China melarang seluruh warganya untuk keluar rumah. Dalam kurun waktu 3 bulan terjadi pemberhentian aktivitas mulai dari pendidikan, pekerjaan, jasa, dan aktivitas lainnya tidak dapat dilakukan di Whuna China. Pemerintah menetapkan lockdown pada 3 bulan itu agar virus yang ada tidak menyebar dan berkembang biak lebih lama. Lalu virus covid 19 ini menyebar keseluruh permukaan dunia. Dari China menyebar ke Italia, USA, Saudi Arabia bahkan sampai ke Indonesia. Di Indonesia, virus ini menjadi masalah besar yang terjadi dewasa ini. Covid 19 menyebar ke dataran Indonesia, masuk dan menjadi pandemi baru yang di hadapi pemerintah...

Public Speaking by Alia and Halija


Roll puppet " The Magic Paintbrush "


The Art of Crosing Culture those Alia Putri Maulida


Speaking Conversation - Apologizing 2

SPEAKING CONVERSATION Ekspression of Apologizing. Striking up a conversation with a friend who we haven’t seen in a long time. Making arrangements. Dwi       : Hy Alia! Alia       : Hello Dwi. Dwi        : How are you? Long time no see. Alia       : I’m fine. I was caught up with doing my thesis. I simply had my graduation function yesterday. Dwi        : Really? Why didn’t you let me know? Alia       : Oh I’m sad, I neglect to let you know. Dwi        : So, I missed your grduation function? Alia       : Ok, it’s fine. Dwi        : No, it’s not fine. I’m your companion. How would you be able to neglect to let me know? Alia       : Forgive me please. I was in a surge. So, I neglect to let you know. Dwi   ...

Experience to be a Student in The College

The First Day College The first early coll e ge student, I stood in front of the lift building B1 floor Pamulang University. Starting today, I’m no longer a child, thinking today of my life actually. I saying “Bismillah”, the lift doors opened and I entered. I was around people that would be great. That I think, ‘cause I don’t know them, either Senior or new students like me. Thought they go to collage meaning they have a bridge that is easier to achieve success and become great. That means I’ll be big like them. Four floor was up and the doors opened, when I saw the schedule for courses. The atmosphere is quite comfortable in the 404 class, neat, clean, AC live properly, can see the view from the window of many houses, South Tangerang District General Hospital, Pamulang Highway. It teachers friendly, patient, good looking, good teach. Friends are also good, Friendly, funny, fun and I had one class with my friends from the intoduction campus, they are Langi and Ica. Then w...

Speaking Conversation - Apologizing

Speaking Coversation Expression of Apologizing Alia     : Good morning Silfah. I need to talk to you. Silfah : Morning to Al. Yes sure, what’s the matter. Alia     : Do you remember? Last week I’ve talked to you to deliever me go to the Bank. In              case, I’ve lost my creadit card in the office. Silfah : Oh my God, I apologize for my mistake. I’m so sorry. Alia     : Hmm, it’s ok. Oh I’m sad. I neglect to let you know. What for the mistake? Silfah : I’m out internet connection. I’ve just bought in this morning. Alia    : But, our house are close right? Why didn’t you let me know or just come to my             house? I’ve waited for you. Silfah : Yes Al, I was tied up night when I reach home. I hope you can forgive me. Alia    : Ok, it’s fine. Why do you get tired? Silf...